The groundbreaking Hate The Weight Challenge (HTW) was created by The “Fitness Sheriff” to support
the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council’s Hip-Hop 4 Better Health Program and the E.D.S. (Exercise, Diet
& Spirituality) initiative. The mission of HTW is to help 170 million American’s who are obese or overweight, including Children and Adolescents 2-19 years of age where 1 out of 3, nearly 32% or about 13.7 million are suffering from the silent epidemic with no real solution in sight thanks in part to a poor diet, physical inactivity and bad lifestyle choices. Childhood obesity is linked to increased mortality rates in adulthood, and children who are overweight or obese are five times more likely to be obese or overweight adults than children of normal weight.
The HTW Challenge is not only offered to citizens here in the U.S., but also abroad as the obesity and overweight crisis continuous to have a negative impact on the health of citizens worldwide where obesity is one of the top five leading causes of death, causing more than 2.8 million deaths each year. The other four leading causes are High Blood Pressure, Tobacco Use, High Blood Glucose, and Physical Inactivity
The ingredient that makes this Weight Management initiative different than all the rest is “Peer Education, Motivation & Inspiration.” We have made it fun, rewarding, competitive and exciting to work with others and practice lifestyle changes that lead to better health. Along with meeting “Hot & Healthy” minded new people, the HTW Challenge offers a host of Hot Prizes, Incentives, Awards, Discounts on Merchandise and Services, along with the support of Celebrity and Professional Athletes to help you stay focused on your weight watching goals. The key to looking GREAT is staying in SHAPE and losing WEIGHT.
The HTW Challenge is offered to Students and Staff; Celebrities & Professional Athletics; Government Agencies & Not For Profit Organizations; Small Businesses and Corporations; Churches & Religious institutions; Youth & Senior Centers; NYCHA Residents. HTW has two cycles, one is for schools (October through June) and the other is quarterly and is offered to anyone that wants to shed some pounds while having fun. There are a host of instructional and motivational videos created by The “Fitness Sheriff” and Celebrity Friends to help contestants stay in shape and remain competitive for the duration of the Challenge. Our Celebrity Recruitment Ambassador (CRA) will play a major role towards soliciting Celebrity Support to help students lose weight and make better lifestyle choices.
In the spirit of having fun, inspiring students and being competitive Celebrities are urged to Challenge Students and each other by performing one or more of the 24 workouts highlighted in the videos produced by The “Fitness Sheriff”. The short workout session will be video-taped and used to motivate students and other Celebrities to keep focused on their health. In addition, Celebrities may be CHALLENGED by their Peers or students to MATCH and/or BEAT a selected number of: Squats, Mountain Climbers, Jumping Jacks, Pushups, High Knees, Lunges, Burpees, and Crunches. The goal is to simply push each other to the limit, while MOTIVATING student participation for the HTW Challenge here in the U.S. and abroad.